Kenneth Wilson, Counselling Psychologist & Executive Coach

It’s not that some people have willpower and some don’t. It’s that some people are ready to change and others are not. We draw on motivational interviewing, mindfulness-based cognitive therapy, and 12 step theory to provide a rich blend of techniques and experiences designed to allow people to live happy and goal-directed lives without the use of mind and mood altering drugs.

Our relationships with others are fundamental to our happiness within the world. We often find ourselves repeating self-defeating patterns of the past, or struggling to break-free from toxic or abusive relationships. If you would like to set up an appointment with Kenneth, or just email him, the 'contact us' form and 'booking' form are at the bottom of this page - just click on the bottom of the menu.

The purpose of executive coaching is to develop the full potential of yourself and your business. It also aims to assist in getting the most out of yourself, your staff, and your organization. Kenneth has successfully contributed to the efficient functioning of numerous organizations including Investec, Anglo-American, 3M, Houghton House, Silica, and Growthpoint, amongst others.
Kenneth Wilson is a Counselling Psychologist registered with the Health Professions Council of South Africa. He was on the academic staff of the University of the Witwatersrand from 1996 to 2005. In this time he taught a variety of subjects including psychotherapy and psychopathology. He was involved in the training of counselling psychologists at the University. He has run a private practice since 1995. His work includes child, adult, family and couples psychotherapy, psychological assessments and supervision of intern psychologists and lay-counsellors. He has published in the areas of social and community psychology, health psychology, psychopathology, and addiction. He has worked in the addiction field for 15 years, and has consulted with numerous families and individuals regarding addictive behaviour problems. He was consulting psychologist at Houghton House Addiction Recovery Centre (2002 to 2008). He was the consulting psychologist at Self-Help Addiction Recovery Project (SHARP) from 2002 to 2004. In 2007, he founded Cleanstart Wellness, an holistic wellness centre offering a range of psychological solutions for problems in living.
Over the last 5 years, he has also developed an Executive Coaching practicePersonal Info